Welcome to the World of Robert E. Howard Foundation

Robert E. Howard

The Robert E. Howard Foundation is a non-profit organization. The REH Foundation has received 501(c)(3) status. Membership fees are therefore tax-deductible donations, as are other donations, monetary or otherwise.
The REHFP was started in 2007, with the goal of getting everything REH wrote into print. When collected with the Wandering Star / Subterranean Press / Del Rey series of REH books, one has ALL of REH, over 3.5 million words strong. We are the only licensed source for the REH works we publish.
All profits from sales by REHFP go to benefit the Robert E. Howard Foundation.
The Foundation is organized to foster understanding of the life and works of Robert E. Howard. Its goal is to honor Howard’s legacy as a skillful, prolific and successful writer of fantasy, regional, horror, action and adventure stories in a wide variety of genres. The mission of the Foundation is to promote its belief in the importance of imagination and creative writing. To accomplish its goals and missions, Foundation purposes may include:
- Acquiring, conserving and managing archives and collections related to Howard
- Serving as a research resource for scholars, historians, fans and others interested in Howard and his legacy
- Promoting, awarding and supporting scholarly efforts and young writers of the same genre
- Support of Robert E. Howard Days in Cross Plains, Texas, and the Robert E. Howard Annual Day
- Support of the maintenance and operation of Howard’s home and museum in Cross Plains, Texas, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and owned by Project Pride, a community organization
- Making available through various channels all the works of Robert E. Howard