Discover the fascinating story of Robert E. Howard’s (REH) writing table, an iconic piece of furniture that has traveled through time and has now found its way to our collection. This article details the table’s journey, from its origins in the 1920s or 30s to its current location in Paul Herman’s shop.

REH’s writing table is a beautifully crafted oak piece with a tiger oak veneer on top and flame oak with flake veneer on the legs. Its transitional style aligns with the era it was made in, the 1920s or 30s.

After Bob’s passing, the table was passed down through a couple of owners before eventually landing in the hands of Irma Moore, a niece of one of the previous owners. Irma fondly remembered seeing REH while visiting her aunt and uncle in Cross Plains. She kept the table in her possession until her passing, leaving it to her daughter, Carolyn White.

Over the years, the table has gone through some modifications. The legs were unbolted from the table, ten inches sawn off of each, and the legs reinstated to create a coffee table. Irma later added a glass top to protect the tiger oak veneer, keeping the beautiful tiger oak top in relatively good condition despite its age and everyday usage.

Paul Herman, secretary and treasurer (and an occasional treasure hunter) of the REH Foundation and also a dedicated fan of REH, sought to recover the table and preserve it as a piece of literary history. After years of persistence and detective work, he managed to locate the table in Irma’s old house in Graham, Texas. With the help of Carolyn White and her family, Paul was able to retrieve the table and bring it to his shop. The table will of course be returned to REH’s home, now the REH Museum, once it has been restored.

The journey of REH’s writing table is a testament to the enduring legacy of the author’s work and the dedication of those who appreciate it. Now safely in Paul Herman’s possession, this piece of history serves as a tangible connection to the life and career of Robert E. Howard.

To restore this table back to its original state, the REH Foundation and Heroic Signatures will share the cost. This literary treasure deserves to be preserved and appreciated by future generations. By restoring the table, we can provide a unique opportunity for fans and scholars to connect with REH and his work more intimately.

Imagine the Inspiration:
Wouldn’t you want to sit at the desk where Robert E. Howard wrote his fantastic tales, creating timeless characters and worlds that have captured the imagination of millions. By restoring the table to its original form, we can help recreate the atmosphere in which REH brought his stories to life.

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